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  • Welcome to the EWM family!

Welcome to the EWM family!

Welcome to the EWM family!

Our new additions visited EWM for an apprenticeship information evening on 23 May.

On 1 August, eleven new apprentices joined the EWM team.

For the first two days, they got to know the EWM business and employees.

A barbecue also gave them the opportunity to get to know and exchange thoughts with their fellow apprentices.

We also had the pleasure of hosting Arne Rössel, chairman of IHK Koblenz, at this event.

We are happy to welcome on board four electronics engineers for machines and systems, one IT specialist for system integration, one IT specialist for application engineering, one e-commerce clerk and three industrial clerks.

We are looking forward to helping our apprentices with all the advice and support they need – we’re sure they’re all going to have a great experience.




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