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  • Opening of France location

Opening of France location

Opening of France location

EWM has opened a location in Tours, France, to strengthen its presence in that country, providing a contact point for sales partners and customers.

Managed by Stéphane Lemaire, the purpose of the location is to provide service and product training, demonstrations and welding support for France's welding technology professionals.

“There is a tremendous amount of interest in France in innovative, future-oriented welding technology. We can win companies over by delivering the highest quality, with recommendations from satisfied customers and with our guarantee promise: three years for welding machines and five years for rectifiers and transformers – with no limit regarding operating hours, even in three-shift operation,” says Stéphane Lemaire, Manager France for EWM AG.

A number of live events were held throughout the day to celebrate the opening of the new location in Tours, including presentations of the new Titan XQ puls, our MIG/MAG multi-process welding machines, and the Titan XQ 400 AC puls, the company’s new product for aluminium welding. EWM also conducted demonstrations of the ewm Xnet 2.0 Welding 4.0 welding management system, showing how Industry 4.0 digital welding technology works in practical settings.




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