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  • Visitors from the Netherlands

Visitors from the Netherlands

Visitors from the Netherlands

On 2/02/2023, our sales partner Kumoweld invited their customer Hutten Metaal to visit us at our Mündersbach HQ. Our application technicians welcomed the guests from the steel manufacturing company in the morning and introduced them to our innovative welding processes during that day. As always, the guests were not only given theoretical lectures, they also had the opportunity to engage in some hands-on MAG welding.


Our visitors were particularly interested in the advantages our innovative MAG processes offer in production processes.


After joint weld tests carried out on components our guests brought with them, the colleagues from application technology examined the quality of the weld seams in our metallurgy lab.


What convinced our guests in particular was that the forceArc® puls and wiredArc welding processes could be welded with a solid wire filler metal which is a great economic benefit for customers.


We were very pleased with the exciting expert discussions we had with Hutten Metaal.


A big thank you goes out to our sales partner Kumoweld for their support!



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