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Change in management at EWM AG

Change in management at EWM AG

The faces of the EWM family company (from left):
Robert Stöckl (Sales Director; Management Board), Stefan Szczesny (Site Manager for China and Russia; Management Board), Wiebke Szczesny-Bersch (Head of Finance & Controlling; Management Board), Angelika Szczesny-Kluge (Chair of the Supervisory Board), Michael Szczesny (Deputy President; Management Board), Michael Bersch (Head of Finance & Controlling; Management Board), Susanne Szczesny-Oßing (President), Jan Szczesny (Head of Technical Development; Management Board).


On 1 September 2020, former Chair of the Supervisory Board, Susanne Szczesny-Oßing became President of EWM AG in Mündersbach.


Angelika Szczesny-Kluge has held various positions within the EWM Group since 1965 and has been EWM’s Chief Human Resources Officer since 2013. She was appointed to the EWM Supervisory Board on 1 September 2020 following the sudden death of the former President, Bernd Szczesny, in July 2020. Angelika Szczesny-Kluge will now continue to work for the family company as Chair of the Supervisory Board.


Susanne Szczesny-Oßing has been appointed as the EWM AG President with effect from 1 September 2020. She will simultaneously take over the position of Chief Human Resources Officer from her mother, Angelika Szczesny-Kluge.


All other members of the Executive Board will hold their position.



Svenja Linn

Eventmarketing & Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 2680 181-303

Leonie Becker

Social Media Management / Sponsoring
Tel.: +49 2680 181-295