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  • Online WPQR welding procedure test?

Online WPQR welding procedure test?

Online WPQR welding procedure test?

Our application technicians and our colleagues from EWM UK worked with a local testing authority to perform a welding procedure test for one of our customers – completely online.


Equipped with a control desk, cameras and microphones, they started the WPQR qualification of our forceTig® welding process on the customer’s component. Prior to the test, our application techs determined the individual component’s welding parameters.


Then they did the welding, measuring and testing. Every detail was filmed and explained. The test was a complete success.


You have a welding technology problem? Our application technicians will be glad to help: https://www.ewm-group.com/en/products/services/guidance.html





URL: https://www.ewm-group.com/de/produkte/dienstleistungen/beratung.html


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