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  • The election results have been finalised!

The election results have been finalised!

The election results have been finalised!

Your many votes were received, and the results are now in for the “Successful women in mid-sized companies” public vote!


Our compliments to the winner of the audience award, Manuela Roßbach (Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V.)! Congratulations to Dr Caroline von Kretschmann (Hotel Europäischer Hof Heidelberg) for achieving third place! Standing on the podium accompanied by these strong and successful women is a real honor. ?


Our CEO Susanne Szczesny-Oßing won second place and we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who responded to our call and voted. ?? Your support means a lot to us, and even if we don’t know the exact number for each of the places, the event organiser made one thing clear: It was a pretty close race among the top contestants! A total of 18.590 votes were cast. ?


What a wonderful experience to be nominated in such a commendable group of women ?

  • Manuela Roßbach
  • Vera Grossmann
  • Dr. Anja Danz
  • Laura Lang
  • Mimi Sewalski
  • Antje Eckel
  • Kathrin de Blois
  • Isabel Grupp
  • Svenja Weber
  • Susanne Szczesny-Oßing
  • Caroline von Kretschmann
  • Milen Volkmar
  • Dr. Sarah Müller

URL: https://www.innovator-des-jahres.com/das-sind-die-gewinnerinnen-des-publikumspreises-erfolgreiche-frauen/


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