
Toimiala: Muut

Welding 50 different components fully automatically? That was the challenge for Schroeder Valves, the pump protection fittings manufacturer.

Welding 50 different components fully automatically? That was the challenge for Schroeder Valves, the pump protection fittings manufacturer. All of the components did have one thing in common, though: they were all rotationally symmetrical...

Schroeder Valves’ pump protection valves are used particularly for transporting critical media: in refineries, in the chemical industry, in processing and in (nuclear) powerplants. Components used in these areas have to be extremely reliable and last for years. Sealing surfaces of components made from cheap construction steel are therefore reinforced with high-quality stainless steel. Due to both the shortage of good welders and growing quality assurance requirements, however, automation of this step was crucial.
The solution to this challenge soon became clear to EWM automation experts: a robot system was needed. Having to deal with so many different component sizes was a cause for concern. Small parts require higher dynamics than large components. This quickly gave rise to the idea of three processing stations: one large L-positioner with tilting function for the large valve bodies, one small turning/tilting positioner on a system bench for the small valve bodies, and a third station with a system bench without positioners for any other components.
As the parts were rotationally symmetrical, it was easy to teach the components; teaching is always based on the same programs. Users simply have to set the radius, number of passes and the geometric dimensions of the soft armouring and the robot control will take care of the rest. Some components have an interior diameter of just 32 mm, making them extremely difficult to access. This required a special welding torch construction with a particularly small torch head and large torch neck. The fact that EWM produces its own welding torches in-house was a major plus here.